The Wonderful World of Darcey
Thursday, February 07, 2008
1. I won $25 as a result of my football know-how and gambling expertise. Or perhaps it was random chance and beginner's luck. Either way, I got $25 out of something called a square - something everyone at work knows all about, but no one else I talk to seems to.
2. I have the pager for the first time at my new job next week. Pagers beep in the night and make me try to solve problems I don't understand while I'm half asleep. Pagers are very scary.
3. I'm exploring the wonders of upstate New York. Two weekends ago I went to Rochester (and Joe has an iPhone, and that's what my last post was about. I don't know if that was clear - I'm not real skilled with the iPhone typing.) And then tomorrow I'm going off to Joe's school and his hockey team and probably his parents', depending on the weather.
And now it's getting close to bedtime again. How does that happen? But I'm trying to post things...sometimes...