The Wonderful World of Darcey
Wednesday, October 29, 2003
Does My Microwavable Panda Have Fleas?

That's a question that we all must ask ourselves at one point or another. For me personally, the issue involves the stuffed bear that sits on the top shelf of my desk. He is a multipurpose stuffed bear that can also be shoved in the microwave and come out smelling like funny herbs and be used as a heating pad. At the moment, however, he is instead being used as some sort of burial ground for the little fruit fly type things that live in my apartment. Occasionally, I'll see them when they're alive, but mostly I see lots of dead ones, all lying by my panda bear's right paw. Why do they go there? Does the panda bear represent some sort of sacred ground in the fruit fly society? Am I being disrespectful to remove the bodies and throw them in the garbage? Am I disturbing their eternal resting place? Or is it just that the top shelf of my desk by the panda bear's right paw is where unintelligent creatures land when they've been smacked by the spinning ceiling fan they flew straight into? These are deep questions that deserve careful thought.

Or not. So, I was looking at my classes for next semester. Of the four classes that I have a need to take, none of them meet before 1:00 and none of them meet on Friday. This will give me a lot of temptation to spend way too much time sleeping. But somehow, I think I'll pull through. I'm trying to decide on one additional elective, but everything I want to take meets TT 1-2:30, when I already have a class I have to take. What I'm looking at instead are: African Civilization, Intro to Linguistics, Jewish Civilization, Developmental Psychology, or Intro to Buddhism. The African one is the only one that doesn't meet on Friday. I'm also looking at being a TA in the b-school, but I don't really know how that works. They get paid, right? I'm going to have to ask advisors questions. I hate doing that.

Sunday, October 26, 2003
Fall Break

I spent the weekend in Indianapolis. When I went home in the first two years of college, some of the biggest treats were my two favorite food groups, Eggo waffles and Rice-a-Roni. This year, though, I have been able to enjoy these luxuries in my very own St. Louis kitchen. However, I did have the treats of a meal cooked by my mommy and lots of fast food. For a college campus, it is very difficult to get a hamburger at Wash U. At home, I was also able to appreciate the luxury of the bathroom, with its counters and its room to breathe and its toilet that flushes the first time and its shower water that doesn't stab you in the back and stays hot longer than the bare minimum amount of time required for basic sanitation. I also watched a lot of high quality cable television, mostly I Love the 80s Strikes Back on VH1. I learned that I was the same age as Chicken McNuggets and got to reminisce about classic pop culture including Jem, Fraggle Rock, Trapper Keepers, and Glow Worms. Saturday I went shopping. I got a new pair of shoes and got my brother a Spongebob Squarepants Halloween costume. Then I watched the comedically brilliant, action packed, instant classic "Hollywood Homicide." (Mom, that's not sarcasm at all. Harrison Ford had some really good lines.) Sunday I went to church at home. I simply cannot support the use of Power Point slides during a sermon, especially of photographs of the Martin Luther movie. Then my father and grandfather brought me back to St. Louis. While I was away in peaceful Indiana, the rest of the country decided yet again that it wanted it to get dark at 4:00, and so they tried again to turn back time. I guess that does give me an exta hour to do my work. But I really don't feel like it.

Tuesday, October 21, 2003
So today, the first post today showed up with the second one, but the first time I posted about instant messenger on Sunday didn't show up until today. Well, that explains everything.

I typed something this morning that hasn't shown up as of now, and I'm typing this just to see what happens when I publish. I think there is some sort of weird delayed reaction on some of my posts. They post in my work space or wherever I'm typing right now, but they don't show up on the actual web site. But then I type something else later, and it does show up, before the earlier one.

Apparently, I don't have class right now. If I had looked at the syllabus or gone to class last time, I probably would have known that. But I was sick last time, terribly, deathly ill. And of course she picked last class to actually do something interesting and hand back the tests, so now I still don't know what I got. In other b-school matters, I think I will go to the career center today and watch some sort of obnoxious video that they make you watch before they let you do something with them.

I got an email today for alumni of Lawrence Central. Did you know that I am eligible to purchase an engraved brick for $250 for the new electronic sign they are building along 56th Street? I feel honored. But I can't quite picture why the electronic sign needs bricks.

Sunday, October 19, 2003
If You Clicked Here From Instant Messenger
For a variety of reasons, I have never used AIM much. However, I have recently concluded that I still manage to waste an inordinate amount of time playing on the Internet, and AIM would be one new and refreshing way to go about this. If you also are searching for a way to waste time, I humbly ask you to help me in my new pursuit to find the following:

1. A buddy list. May I have your screenname or those of other people you think I might know?

2. A new screenname for myself. In recent times, one reason I have been hesitant to use or give out my name is that people think it has something to do with Avril Lavigne. This is not true. When I came up with this name, Avril Lavigne was just another worthless Canadian middle school student with delusions of grandeur. Unfortunately, the name's real origin isn't that interesting either. I can't even quite remember the details. It had something to do with a conversation that involved French class, my birthday, and my high school graduation. (In its original form it was avril701, with the "01" referring to my graduation year. But when I tried to sign up with that name on AOL, it got mad and made me choose a different one, and so I bumped it up to "05", when I would graduate from college.) Anyway, my point was simply that my screenname is at best uninteresting and at worst grossly misunderstood.

I have other names that I have used for other purposes, including chipitgeorge, tkdprincess83, and daceyduck, which I could also explain in not very interesting detail if you like. However, I am interested in something new and would appreciate any suggestions of names or topics I could make a name out of.

3. Other ways to waste time on the Internet. I am capable of spending obsessive amounts of time doing the same thing over and over again for no particular reason, especially when it comes to Spider Solitaire. However, I think it might be healthy to have a few more alternative ways of being completely unproductive, since this always seems to end up taking up a considerable chunk of my day.

For your own amusement, here, off the top of my head, are a few sites with which I am already thoroughly familiar:

Thank you for any suggestions. Feel free to talk about anything in the comments below or email me at

*This might post twice, but it didn't seem to work the first time.

If You Clicked Here From Instant Messenger
For a variety of reasons, I have never used AIM much. However, I have recently concluded that I still manage to waste an inordinate amount of time playing on the Internet, and AIM would be one new and refreshing way to go about this. If you also are searching for a way to waste time, I humbly ask you to help me in my new pursuit to find the following:

1. A buddy list. May I have your screenname or those of other people you think I might know?

2. A new screenname for myself. In recent times, one reason I have been hesitant to use or give out my name is that people think it has something to do with Avril Lavigne. This is not true. When I came up with this name, Avril Lavigne was just another worthless Canadian middle school student with delusions of grandeur. Unfortunately, the name's real origin isn't that interesting either. I can't even quite remember the details. It had something to do with a conversation that involved French class, my birthday, and my high school graduation. (In its original form it was avril701, with the "01" referring to my graduation year. But when I tried to sign up with that name on AOL, it got mad and made me choose a different one, and so I bumped it up to "05", when I would graduate from college.) Anyway, my point was simply that my screenname is at best uninteresting and at worst grossly misunderstood.

I have other names that I have used for other purposes, including chipitgeorge, tkdprincess83, and daceyduck, which I could also explain in not very interesting detail if you like. However, I am interested in something new and would appreciate any suggestions of names or topics I could make a name out of.

3. Other ways to waste time on the Internet. I am capable of spending obsessive amounts of time doing the same thing over and over again for no particular reason, especially when it comes to Spider Solitaire. However, I think it might be healthy to have a few more alternative ways of being completely unproductive, since this always seems to end up taking up a considerable chunk of my day.

For your own amusement, here, off the top of my head, are a few sites with which I am already thoroughly familiar:

Thank you for any suggestions. Feel free to talk about anything in the comments below or email me at

I began my day with a load of laundry. Due to the short supply of washers and dryers in the building and the questionable status of the ones we have, I have begun pioneering a new strategy of laundry management. According to this strategy, I do one load a week rather than waiting until the last possible moment to wash all the clothing I own. However, I made one crucial mistake this week. I forgot to do this load during the week and had to fight my way into the busy weekend rush. When I left my load in the washer for a few extra minutes, I discovered they had already been removed for me.

Next I began work on my second for story for my fiction class. Though my first story will not be critiqued until tomorrow, I already must start planning the second one because of the way my teacher decided to rearrange the syllabus halfway through the course to give us lots more work and less time to do it in. I am trying to think of a story idea that is more interesting than my first, which I was not pleased with. I thought it was boring because that's how it was, and I think my teacher and classmates will think it is not deep and profound enough because that's how they are. I must come up with an idea that is more unrealistic and meaningful. I'm thinking my next story will somehow involve a kidnapping. This will at least provide excitement and entertainment. However, this may be seen as cheap and shallow, so I will have to find a way to make it about the deep emotional impact crap.

Last night, I had Thai food with Rory, Ryan, Andrew, and Katie. Then I went to Rory and Ryan's and watched Asoka, an Indian Bollywood film. For an hour and a half, it was filled with random song and dance numbers and many other illogical plot devices. It was truly beautiful. But then it went on. For another hour and a half. And the good guy turned evil. And children died. And there was sadness. Now I must go.

Saturday, October 18, 2003
What You Have To Look Forward To On This Site
-Long unintelligible sentences
-Half-formed thoughts and
-Occasional fruitless attempts at wit or humor
-Excessive detail about events that just aren't that interesting or important

Recent Examples:

October 9
I woke up this morning with a nice, red, puffy eye. Then I headed to the kitchen and injured myself trying to open the new bottle of orange juice. I scraped my finger right where I hold a pencil or turn a door knob. Then I tried to put my contacts in, but no, that made the eye itch, so I got to keep my glasses on, just to give me that extra blurry, sleepy, out-of-it feeling on the way to my OMM test. It was raining out, and despite my umbrella, somehow the back of my pants legs managed to get soaked. I actually managed to arrive at class technically right on time, but this teacher always tries to start early, plus it was a test, so everybody else had gotten there early. So I was late, wet, blind, and couldn't hold a pencil. Then I got to take a test. We got to prepare a cheat sheet with formulas and stuff, but some of the questions weren't what I expected, so I didn't have the right formulas, and I had to spend way too much time figuring stuff out on my own. Eventually, I think I did get the hard, unexpected stuff right, but I didn't get time to go back and check the easy stuff, so I know I missed at least one easy thing. So that was my morning.

October 16
Where did all the new television shows go this week? They were supposed to be on. They're all scheduled in the TV guides and everything. Then, at the last minute, the West Wing isn't even on and everything on Thurs is a rerun. I think it's a conspiracy. A conspiracy to do what, I don't know. But clearly a conspiracy. That's all I really have to say.

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