The Wonderful World of Darcey
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Sorry it's been so long since I've written. But don't judge me - I have it hard. Back when I was your age, I had to walk home from school up hill in the snow, with my feet soaking wet. And I don't even go to that school. And of course, I suppose if I'd paid attention enough to know that it was going to snow quite so bad that my car couldn't make it up the hill, I could have worn more sensible shoes.

Anyway, my fun for the week was coming home to find my landlord and the neighbors from the other side of the house standing outside my door telling me "Don't go inside. The fire department is on the way." This can make you think that something is wrong. In this case, that something was the carbon monoxide detector. It had been going off all day on our side, and then around 5, it started going off on neighbors' side too. This would be enough to make you think that there was actually a carbon monoxide problem of some sort. But, no, it turns out. The firemen showed up, all decked out in uniform and with their big truck, and they walked all the house with two different monitors. Then they told us everything was fine and went home. This, however, is a little hard to believe when you want to go to sleep that night, and then you also want to wake up the next morning, and two separate alarms have been telling you that that might not happen. So we ventured to the all-knowing Target to seek the opinion of a third alarm. It concurred with the firemen. We also arranged for a midnight phone call from someone from the outside world, as a fourth check that we were in fact still alive. Thus far, we seem to be. I'll keep you posted if anything changes.

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